Friday, June 15, 2007


I have been blessed to have such wonderful, caring and loving people surrounding me. Thank You. First of all to God who provided me with great things and people in life, he is truly amazing.

I celebrated one of the liveliest and most memorable birthdays in my life yesterday and to tell you guys frankly it was something i will truly cherish. For the past years I have remained not apathetic or cold but rather uninterested in my birthday. I usually pass the day as another day thanking anyone who greets me and put minimal if not no remorse at all to those who forget. But yesterday put me in awe. I was overwhelmed with people who greeted me as early as 12 AM and the people who were with me till late at night. To all you guys,THANK YOU AND I OWE YOU ONE.

Thanks to.

The ATENEO TRACK AND FIELD TEAM, for chanting my name while i was doing my work out. To Joboy, Cookie, Vitto, Coach Mik and coach Aris, the runners and everyone on the team. You guys have been my consistent family in college. How ever formal I have been during training and competitions I am indeed thankful and honored to have shared my first days in college and to finish it with all of you.

non-Beda,Non-ADMU friends, I'm surprised you remember or even know. I derive great happiness things that happen but never expect and your greeting were a concrete manifestation of a smile inspiring phenomena. Thank You and i hope to spend some time with you in the near future.

To the dormer boys. Coach Ryan,RS,Kevin,PercyOrville,Juaqi..You guys are just such blessings. Even though we have dwindled we remain strong friends and comrades. we have shared our pain, sacrifices and heart aches. Most of you have displayed what a true student-athlete and for that i salute you. I am truly grateful for more than a year of sharing a second home.

Beda Boys..You have always and will always be some of my greatest and most trusted freinds ever. We have been time tested and still every joke,smile,laugh,tear and sorrow remains fresh and revitalizing as always. Bethel,Marcus, Felly, Boboy, Ivan, yeahboy,Ivan, my new found SBC college friends, Froilan, my HS best freind who, though we seldom meet have remained loyal and always a great great source of help and motivation. You often give me more credit than i deserve and you can forever be rellied have been a great great fried and brother. and many others i cannot mention since it might fill up the whole page, we have built a strong and stern relationship and i hope that never will it collapse.

TNT family..your energy is most contagious. You guys spark enthusiasm even during the dimmest of moments. I am but inspired of your passion, dedication and love in what you do. I will never compare with even one of you guys. That dinner in Walk this way and in Cantina was realy touching. As i said i have gone uninterested in birthdays but you guys gave me reason to enjoy the day. You guys prove that friendship is not necessarily built by time but rather on a common goal and of genuine care and love. My Ateneo life will not have been these happy have i not been a TNT and met all you amazing people..I salute you for what you have done and for who you choose to be.

R3..My beloved and truly loved block. I miss each and everyone. You are a prime motivation on why I have continued to love Ateneo and my college life. Everyone of you holds a special memory. From ORSEM until now you have been there. You raised me from my dullness and still continue to support and lend a hand whenever i need one. You accepted me and allowed me to accept you. I will not even attempt to imagine what my life with if R3 was not my block for truly i am in much bliss to have been and to be part of the R3 family. Special thanks to Von for numerous greetings, Jaq for that free and very delicious meal, tommy,nats, jeff, AL,Nigui, jon, denis... all of you guys..

YFC Ateneo..Word do not justify how overly thankful and blessed I am to have met you all and by God's grace. I have been a YFC for more than 6 years but only now have i realized how great a community i is. It was you guys who fueled my drive for service and for life. I am so greatfull because of your presence and consistent listening. I am at a lost for words..I just want to thank you all...To James and Kevin for your presence,stories and time. Ritz and jeff, simply have surprised me many times and your funny antics lighten my heart, Thanks for the cake..Charles..My College best friend who has always been there to listen, speak and feel with me, you become a better friend everyday..i wish you the best with Jaq..

To MY FAMILY..Emotions, affection and love has most of the time been silent and placid. But this never meant it was absent..It had only been in the shadows waiting for the perfect time to reveal itself. For these reason every word is sweet, touching and heart warming..You are like no other in all of everything..To my mom who has loved all of us unconditionally, sacrificed so much asked for so little and has always been an inspiration, MY dad the silent motivator who expressed his love not thru words but thru actions, you have discreetly touched our lives, changed it for the better, given all without wanting to be known..MY brothers and sisters.companions in music,sports, a drive for social are like no other..I AM FOREVER AT YOUR DEBT AND AM ETERNALY GRATEFULL

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